brooke tucker

photography where play and magic meet true hearted connection

Monday morning rainy goodness!

It’s Monday.. and it’s raining and I have to say I kind of love monday morning rainy days!  I love the sound of the rain.  I love that rainy days give me an excuse to stay inside and snuggle.  I love that they give me extra incentive to work in my hobbit hole of goodness! […]

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Holiday Splashes

Happy Holiday Weekend Ya’ll and can I please say an Amen for a long weekend with my family!!! The weather is amazing and we are headed off to find some good old family fun and adventure.  So in honor of that and the weekend to come… I don’t have a whole lot to say except […]

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Weird and Great: elePANTS and run away BOBS

GREAT Big Boy Bed!  Still working out amazingly!  Linc’s still sleeping in it all through the night and hasn’t had the desire to get out of it once we tuck him in.  His sleeping has been much more peaceful and our bed time routine is now all of our favorite parts of the night! ElePHHHHANTS […]

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brooke tucker