There is a story that pops up on social media every year that I’ve never quite been able to shake.. it’s about chili of all things! Have you heard this story?
Basically to give you a really brief version of this incredibly moving tale (that makes me tear up just even thinking about it) a woman is on a walk with a good friend of hers and she is complaining that her husband wants her to make chili for dinner. She doesn’t want to! It means she has to go to the grocery store and alter her plans! I get that… with kids and all the “tasks” and “asks” we are given each day as moms and wives and all the other roles we have, sometimes it’s hard to add “one more thing” to our plate!
As the friend listened on to her complaining, she gently stopped her. She told her to “just make the chili.” What we didn’t realize from the beginning was that this friend’s husband had passed away suddenly and recently! Enter the tears and if you are anything like me, all the emotions start bubbling to the surface! The story continues on from here but you get the point.
The lesson here for me was that you just never know how much time you have… so make the chili! We have lots of opportunities every single day to show our loved ones just how much they mean to us and sometimes it’s elaborate (like dates nights or trips or special outings with our kids) but most often it’s the little every day things like making a favorite dinner or a snuggle on the couch or a simple note in a lunch box!
But overall time is precious. We don’t have unlimited time with the people we love. We need to make the time we have count and we need to let the people we love know how much we love them! Now. Often. Everyday if possible. And if there ever was a cheat code to time… it’s stepping in front of a camera and having someone photograph the love you have with the people that mean the most to you!
FAMILY SESSION WRAP UP (and how it relates to chili)
Full session or Mini session there is no one way to capture and freeze your memories! It truly all depends on what is right for your family in this given time and moment! It could be an entire session with all the details that tell the story of your family or it could be a quick session shot only for the family holiday card… all that matters is that YOU were present!
The biggest part of all these blog posts I’ve written on this subject is to let you know that YOU have the choice! That the biggest difference isn’t necessarily the time of the session (which is what most people initially think) it’s the experience, the service, and what you are getting OUT of the session!
You can catch up on all the details of the sessions here for the full and here for the mini session! If you haven’t read the other blog posts yet, you can find out the nitty gritty details and learn the differences and the benefits of each session and choose which is best for you!
But please… just make the chili! Just at least one time schedule a professional family photography session! You won’t regret it!
The most important thing that you can do is to make sure that you get in the pictures! It won’t matter what you look like, or how much money was in your bank account, or what gifts you gave your kiddo for birthdays and Christmas! One day, the only thing your loved ones will have left of you are the photos! It’s important that you are IN them (just as you are)! They will want to be able to SEE you! To hold something of you once again. To remember your smile and your laugh. To remember the memories and the joy that you brought to their life! They will just want you any way they can get you!
(trust me, I know from experience). So get IN that picture… schedule the professional photography session with whatever session makes sense for your family so that you can be in them without worry about who will take it and how it will get done and the where! Schedule it so that everyone can be present and you have them!
It’s just like the story of the chili… make the chili now! Get in the picture now!
You will never ever regret the pictures you take with your family! EVER!

Capture and Freeze your memories today! To book a session or reach out with questions don’t hesitate to contact Brooke! I’ve been working with family’s for over 12 plus years and I know exactly how to help you feel comfortable and have FUN!
If you still aren’t sure which session is right for you… download my free questionnaire to help you get started!
“In the home photos are more than decor; they’re visual love letters that communicate a child’s importance and their family’s history!”