It’s afternoon already and I would love to say I had really cool blog post to share with you this beautiful Florida Monday… but I don’t! It’s Monday… and I woke up with a case OF the Mondays! Hi Friends… I’m Brooke Tucker and I woke up with with the Monday morning mix-ups, hang-ups, flusters and scrambles!~ […]
Happy Friday friends and mommas! This morning we are having a for REAL, live out loud and live proud mom with toddler morning over here! I had planned to write video blog yesterday, but in all honestly… I was exhausted and I hadn’t showered so of course I didn’t want to get in front of […]
GOOD MORNING FRIENDS! IT’S BEEN A LONG LONG TIME! And I will tell you what, I’m so thrilled to have this blog back! More importantly though… IT’S THE LAUNCH DAY!! HOORAY… IT’S FINALLY HERE! I am so beyond excited to share with you all of the hard work and heart that has gone into this […]