Hi everyone~! I first have to apologize for my absence around here! Monday’s are usually reserved for our weekend re-caps whether they be adventurous, fun, silly or boring… I love to share how our family spent the weekend because it feels like an actual real conversation! Today… this monday right here, will probably be the […]
It’s Monday Ya’ll and I hope you guys had a great weekend! I really do love the weekends but as much as I would love to go into a fun account of what we did and what we learned (mom style) I spent most of it down for the count! This was great for the […]
I’ve been so blessed with this family that I can’t even express it to you in words! We met during a family photo session and now this family that was then a family of three has blossomed into an amazing family of four and I am honored to call them some of my closet friends! […]