I’ve been holding off on posting my goals this year for 2015. Let me just throw this out there… there is nothing special about January 1! Ok?! Let me just get that off my chest! Ok… so there might be in terms of deployments or birthday’s or things like that! In terms of goals though… […]
I can’t even begin to explain or express how grateful I am to all the families that trusted me with their extremely precious memories this year! I was a bit nervous when I decided this was the year I was choosing to follow my heart and focus my business on mainly children and family sessions. […]
Last year was a huge year and I really owe most of it to a couple of people: my hubs of course, my girlfriend Elizabeth for always supporting me and Katelyn James for helping me hunker down, focus and work for this! I can’t believe it’s already been a year since I had my coaching […]