Happy Tuesday Friends, even though it feels like a Monday right!
I hope everyone had a very wonderful, and very long weekend! I hope you got some rest, caught up on some family time or time with those you loved and re-feuled your heart for the weeks ahead!
That’s exactly what we did over here! That’s also why it’s Tuesday NIGHT that I’m posting instead of Tuesday MORNING!
Some times you just have to live and enjoy life.. and so that’s what this post is all about! Yes… it’s a weekend re-cap, because let me be completely honest here: this blog post is the one blog post during the week where I feel like I get to just CHAT with ya’ll! It’s like a legit conversation that each of us could be having one on one with each other at a starbucks in the morning, or at a deli for lunch (for me I would love to go out to sushi with you!) or tonight rather because it is the evening.. maybe over a coke (because we know I love it) and some hummus and tzatiki! I do have some fresh that my neighbor growing up dropped off to my momma and me last night!
It’s a chance that I get to really connect with you on a super basic level.. Hi, I’m Brooke and here is my life and this is what we did this weekend! I’m not necessarily a photographer in these posts! I’m just me: a mom, a wife, a lover of Christ! Ha that rhymed! I’m the same clutzy awkward girl I’ve always been who is a slight homebody and enjoys soaking up the days with my family doing anything and everything we can do as long as it’s together!
I’m also the girl that loves a good LONG story and a good, long winded chat!
So while I love these posts for that reason alone and I want to do that with you tonight; I also really gained a lot from this weekend and I want to share that with you too!
so.. let’s just Do This Thing (said in the voice of Linguine from Ratatouille)
What DID we do this weekend… a whole lot of swimming in our pool! Yep.. we swam, we ate outside, we swam some more! We loaded ourselves with sunscreen so we looked like little zombies and we just played!
We also..
Here’s where my learning moments came in this weekend…
There are so many opportunities that we are given to just appreciate all we have through the wonderful and the challenging! As women especially there are so many opportunities we have to lift one another up and encourage and support one another with just one simple kind word!
Sometimes that is all it takes for ANY of us: to know that we matter, that we exist and are seen (as Hannah puts it in this book of hers).
We all want to feel connected, that’s just human nature!
What happened to going out of our way and thinking of others before our selves?! That type of mind set and culture is a way of an older day and we need (and I say need boldly for a purpose) to bring that back friends!
This world we live in today is a crazy one! It is filled with so much chatter and so many places where we can’t always escape that chatter!
Let’s get together and start making sure that when we are speaking to those we love, those around us and sometimes those we even just pass by… that we can be that chatter or that voice for just a second of the day to speak something positive, bright or happy!
Do a good deed for someone just because you can! Speak a kind word to someone because you can and it feels good!
Do it because YES we ARE all connected…
There is something greater than us friends!
I want to be that helping hand always out in offer! I realized there is a part of me in this photography world that goes back and forth with some things and it is because I have this deep love for people! That is to be celebrated… and I want to bring that to MORE people!
I want to leave love letters like Hannah did… but maybe I will do in the way of a photograph!~
So you know what.. here it goes.. if you have made it this far in this post! If you have stuck with me this long! THIS is my promise to you… just like in her book “If you find this letter”
I promise that if you need a love letter… if you need encouragement… I will write you a letter! Not only that.. I will tangibly give you something to hold on to like I held during the days of deployment!
I will send you an image.. a bright image within a love letter!
Something to remind you that we are all here together! That we are all connected that we all need the same things! We all need love and support and encouragement! We all need light and laughter! More importantly, we all just need to know that there are others like us out here in this world!
Will you join me? Do you need a letter?
Send an e mail Brooketuckerphoto@gmail.com
So great. So true. I get and give handwritten notes frequently and looove it. I am glad I happen to have friends where that is not a total lost form of communication 🙂