What’s more perfect than sandy baby toes, mushed up avocados, sticky cheerio fingers, squealing baby giggles mixed in with baby growls and the far distant crashing of waves?! That is by far my perfect evening! A warm summers night and my absolute favorite people around! There is nothing that fills my heart more! We had the perfect […]
Sometimes, I get a wild idea… and then it explodes! Sometimes that explosion works in my favor, like it did for this amazing session I had this past weekend. Other times, it’s overwhelming and it backfires in my face in the best kind of way where there’s no choice but to laugh! I’ve had […]
I joke all the time that our house is a shrine to Linc! There are pictures everywhere! We have framed pictures, tacked pictures up on the bulletin board, canvas pictures that decorate my office, pictures taped to the side of the fridge (because ours doesn’t accept magnets) and some days the pictures even littler the floor […]