It’s afternoon already and I would love to say I had really cool blog post to share with you this beautiful Florida Monday… but I don’t! It’s Monday… and I woke up with a case OF the Mondays! Hi Friends… I’m Brooke Tucker and I woke up with with the Monday morning mix-ups, hang-ups, flusters and scrambles!~ […]
Happy Happy Happy Day!!! It’s Friday!!!! I love Fridays and even more than ever lately, I’m loving this day because it means Linc (and believe me, I never thought I would say this) doesn’t have school for two whole days! Trust me, I adore his school and I love the freedom I have when he […]
When we decided to move to Celebration, I was already more blessed than I could ever know! We moved down here with a set of friends that truly are incredible! This family right here (and this image is the perfect capture of how wonderful they all are) is just simply fantastic. I am so blessed […]