A few weeks ago, I shared a very personal story about my own post partum depression! If you haven’t read it yet… check it out here! I was scared to hit publish button on that story, but to be honest friends… I’m even more scared as I type this out! My “story” doesn’t end there! […]
This weekend, our family spent a whole lot of quality time together! It was AMAZING! I’ve been reading a bunch of really incredible books and they have made such a difference on my heart! I just finished (for the second time) Lara Casey’s Make It Happen! I read it a second time because I wanted […]
He is a nut! He is a funny and goofy little soul with an amazing amount of energy that lasts all day long! He is the perfect combination of Tuck and I! He is strong and persistent. He is focused and driven. That is all Tuck, those amazing qualities that make him smart and […]