brooke tucker

photography where play and magic meet true hearted connection

Weekend Re-Cap

WHEW ya’ll… Happy Monady!  I have to say I’m actually glad it’s here!  This weekend was a crazy crazy busy one for us!  The kind where you think back and you wonder gosh we are all so exhausted but what actually did we all do?! Did we do anything… did we do anything special or […]

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Weekend Re-cap

Monday is HERE…. and I kind of feel like it should already be Wednesday!  My days are all mixed up and sorted around!  I feel like I’m in a Bond movie except I’m inside the drink that’s been shaken, not stirred! Anyone who was with me yesterday, will laugh and understand that joke!  Everyone else […]

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The Motherhood Journals| An Introduction

Are you ready…. because there are times that I feel I might burst from my heart ready to introduce this very special project of mine to you! Am I ready?! because this is something that has my full heart and I’ve waited so long wanting it to be so perfect, but that’s just it REAL […]

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brooke tucker