I had a totally different post in mind for this morning, but sometimes you just gotta roll right?! I think all the mama’s (and dad’s too, I won’t discriminate) will say a silent amen to what I’ve got going on today! For the most part, I consider myself a stay at home mom. I LOVE […]
I had a totally different post in mind for this morning, but sometimes you just gotta roll right?! I think all the mama’s (and dad’s too, I won’t discriminate) will say a silent amen to what I’ve got going on today! For the most part, I consider myself a stay at home mom. I LOVE […]
Last week was just one of those weeks you know! Do you ever have those weeks where anything and everything that could go wrong does go wrong! And it doesn’t just go wrong, it goes epically wrong! We had one of those epically wrong weeks last week where I just kept thinking, please can I go back to bed […]