brooke tucker

photography where play and magic meet true hearted connection

Cartwright Family

I met Liz when I first moved back to Virginia Beach from Florida! Among the many things that I do besides photography (I am an Aries so apparently that means that I do lots of things!) is teach group fitness. Liz is one of the amazing boss babes at one of the many OneLife Fitness […]

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family beach photos in virginia beach by brooke tucker photography

3 Tips for finding the BEST senior portrait photographer!

3 Tips for Finding the Best senior portrait photographer for your senior!

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senior portrait young girl walking in flower brooke tucker photography

Rule Follower

I can’t remember when it was exactly but someone once told me at the start of my photography journey: Learn the Rules…. so you can BREAK THEM! I never knew how important that statement was back then and it wasn’t until just recently that I finally truly understood. But I think for me to share […]

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family on the beach



brooke tucker