When you are planning your trip to Disney, it’s overwhelmingly exciting! If you are anything like me, you get excited even thinking about all the possibilities and the fun you are going to have! You are probably also one of two types of people: the super planner who makes lists and thinks about what to […]
Happy Friday everyone! I feel like this week has been a very long week and yet, at the same time a very short week too! Do you feel that too? Today, if you are an instagram fan you know it’s #fridayintroductions, but I thought I would move the fun over here to the blog today […]
Today, in our culture of work hard so we can play harder, schedules and routines that are often so jam packed, I feel like it is one of the most important and one of the most rewarding things as a parent to be able to just get outside some nights and take a “time off”! […]