I am so excite to share with you this TWO part Lifestyle family session! If you’ve been following my blog or instagram for a while now, you for sure know this family and their little man Cam Jam! They are almost always popping up in my 9 squares all the time! They are the sweetest, kindest […]
OH HEY there ya’ll! It’s been a while there and I have to say it FEELS GOOD to take a break guys… like real good! Sometimes you just need to do that: take a nice good long break from things! That way when you come back you feel refreshed, grateful and ready to be BACK! […]
“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you’ve caught on film is captured forever…. it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything!” -Aaron Siskind. I recently read that quote somewhere (I can’t remember exactly where) and I have taped it over my computer and also post-it noted it […]