brooke tucker

photography where play and magic meet true hearted connection

Weekend Re-Cap| Sunday’s Off

This weekend, our family spent a whole lot of quality time together!  It was AMAZING! I’ve been reading a bunch of really incredible books and they have made such a difference on my heart!  I just finished (for the second time) Lara Casey’s Make It Happen! I read it a second time because I wanted […]

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The Lifetime Experience: Strong Willed

It stared early… like 14 weeks early.  Little man was ready!  He was done and wanted to meet the world! That’s when we knew he was going to be strong willed! Our exciting and pretty easy pregnancy turned into an exciting pregnancy in an entirely different way! We were in and out of the doctor’s […]

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To all the momma’s: An Open Letter!

The days somehow seem oh so crazy long (whether you work away from your littles and just trying to rush the day away to get back home to them;  or whether you are at home chasing after your littles).  The hours seem to drag by some days and yet when you finally found the time to sit […]

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brooke tucker