These two… there just aren’t words to describe how kind of amazing they are OR how fun they are. There are also aren’t many times that I can’t find the words to describe how I felt or what I’m thinking, so you know if I can’t exactly put my thoughts down or explain things well […]
I’ve been working soo soo hard getting ready to reveal and introduce some really new and exciting things for Brooke Tucker Photography clients! Things that have me smiling so much my cheeks hurt and have me jumping out of my skin that I just can’t contain how excited I really am! I don’t even think excitement is […]
What do you get when you have a gorgeous family, a sassy full of personality and love baby girl, a little bit of cake and some amazing light?! You get a bit of magic! I’ve known Berkley since we were little, we grew up in the same neighborhood and I went to school (all schools) […]