Happy New Year my friends! Did you all have a wonderful holiday season?! Our little family slowed thing down over here and it was marvelous! We took a break from working, from social media (I mean as much as you can really, my instagram was still firing away of course) and from blogging! We decided […]
Hello Monday and Hello to all my friends!!! We have had some unseasonably warm weather here in Virginia Beach and I have to say I am loving it! THIS is my weather! This 70 degree and warm where you can wear jeans and get by with only a light sweater or jacket. I am not […]
Hello Monday and Hello to all my friends!!! We have had some unseasonably warm weather here in Virginia Beach and I have to say I am loving it! THIS is my weather! This 70 degree and warm where you can wear jeans and get by with only a light sweater or jacket. I am not […]
Happy Monday Friends! This is going to be a short re-cap but sometimes short is good, sometimes short is even better! We’ve had family in town this past weekend and so we’ve been doing lots of playing and catching up and jumping.. yep jumping! We visited the Trampoline park here for the first time and […]