brooke tucker

photography where play and magic meet true hearted connection

20 Things

Happy Friday everyone!  I feel like this week has been a very long week and yet, at the same time a very short week too!  Do you feel that too?  Today, if you are an instagram fan you know it’s #fridayintroductions, but I thought I would move the fun over here to the blog today […]

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What I learned When I left my Phone Behind

Linc and I took a nice little trip back to our hometown in Virginia Beach this past spring break!  What happened on the way home was pretty eye opening for me.  Linc and I were standing in the security line waiting our turn to take off our shoes and pack our bins when I realized… […]

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what I learned when I left my cell phone

A super COOL Family | A Playdate with the Coolings

Today, in our culture of work hard so we can play harder, schedules and routines that are often so jam packed, I feel like it is one of the most important and one of the most rewarding things as a parent to be able to just get outside some nights and take a “time off”! […]

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Florida Family Photographer/ Beautiful Outdoor Family portraits



brooke tucker