WHEW ya’ll… Happy Monady! I have to say I’m actually glad it’s here! This weekend was a crazy crazy busy one for us! The kind where you think back and you wonder gosh we are all so exhausted but what actually did we all do?!
Did we do anything… did we do anything special or out of the ordinary to make us all this tired!?
We did nothing out of the ordinary and in fact we just played and swam like we usually do every weekend! Tuck came home from traveling and his first week with his new job! Linc was especially excited to see him on Friday since we waited all week! Tuck comes in and out but he hasn’t been gone any consecutive days since he did that long deployment so I think Linc worried about whether it was going to be for the same amount of time again!
Luckily.. he was home to pick him up from school on Friday!
I ran around like a mad women and it was a great busy, the kind I’m so thankful for because spending time with children and family and photography truly fills my soul! On the flip side though, the days have been filled to the brim and the nights have been even longer!
I’ve been craving a single night off… just one where we can grill out or sit out in the back yard and put our feet up! A night even where we can bike ride to our favorite little restaurant with Linc in tow and then after he takes his bath and goes to bed, Tuck and I can prop our feet up and watch a really great movie!
BUT… there are too many things too do, the heat has been too hot to bear to eat outside (after we’ve already been outside all day long swimming) and I can’t sit still for a movie without falling asleep anyway!!
We also invited a new monster into our house… and by monster I mean it’s a real mean monster that I wish would leave!
We’ve been experiencing night terrors! If you’ve ever experienced a night terror before with your little… PLEASE any suggestions are welcomed!
Here’s what I learned last night:
So if you see me today… in public.. I’m looking a little rough! I also feel a little rough too but it’s all good! I like to use the word Mombie… I’ve got my coca-cola and my plans are to spend this day indoors editing my heart away!!
Linc feels great this morning and he’s a happy little camper which is more than I could ask for!
I think I’ll suffer a little as long as he’s happy and in a good mood… just ask Tuck if he feels the same! I think he might have taken a few head butts last night!
my sister in law gave my nephew a special “magic monsters ring” that worked for them. I also have heard of “Special” spray for the room! Good luck, isn’t it amazing how they wake up in the morning like nothing has happened?