Hey Hey Hey (said in the voice of Mr. Albert… I hate calling him fat albert, it seems really mean!)
Over on instagram, there’s a little thing called “Friday introductions”! It’s for all the new friends and new faces that have popped on over so they get to know who you are a bit!
Instead of instagramming this Friday intro, I thought I would blog it instead and share a little bit with all the new faces who have joined the blog too!
I am soo incredibly thankful for all the new friends and all the love shared here! Sometimes I am even overwhelmed and blow away by it… you guys are amazing: you rock, you fill me up and you inspire me ALL THE DANG TIME! BOOM! But seriously, without your hearts and your fearlessness when it comes to sharing your stories, your hearts and your true/raw moments with me, I wouldn’t be able to do what I love so much! So thank you!
Sooo for all my new friends and all the new faces (and my friends that I have loved and loved me for a long time now) here are some things you might not know about me!!!
I’m Brooke… and I am a children and family lifestyle photographer! I am a momma and wife and lover of the Lord FIRST and photographer second! There were days and are still days that the only thing that keeps me running are the love and support and encouragement from my husband, family and photography wife Elizabeth Friske! AND a coke that’s been made into a slurpee in the freezer… and dorittos and SUSHI!! Possible all that masked together into a delicious and unhealthy meal!
As is says in my website blurb: We live for the sunny days and salty ocean air! I live at the beach and I am so thankful for those ocean waves (even though Linc panics still when he gets near them!) He’s a surfer boy at heart but big waves not so much!
The mud is his life force and we are constantly digging, squishing and mud bathing/baking in the sun!
Photography is how I learned to appreciate everything I had and live for the REAL life: the messy life, the chaotic life and OUR life! Photography gave me the gift of letting go of perfection and learning that REAL is the best life. That raw moments are the real moments and scars, tears, struggle and vulnerability are the beauty marks of our souls!
God graces us with amazing moments… photography allows me to hold on to those moments so I can remember to be thankful and appreciate every second I have!
Here are some random facts that you don’t know about me: even if you have known me for years:
What are some things no one quite knows about you?!!!!
Happy Friday everyone! What are your plans for the holiday weekend?!!!!