It’s with me swinging from my body kind of haphazardly the entire session! I stuff a million things in there including some of my clients possessions! I’ve been able to pull things from it that a client of mine once referred to it as the mary poppins bag of tricks!
I’m often asked what’s inside that thing?! So today I thought I would share!
Inside my bag… gear and not gear!
I carry a shoot sac and I ADORE it! I’ve carried all kinds of camera bags and I have to say for shooting this is the best bag for me! I love how it molds to my body and protects my gear and all the goodies inside! I love all the pockets and the neoprene protection it offers. Pretty much… it rocks my socks, THE END!
Inside varies from shoot to shoot but I do always carry some basics:
Best camera body hands down in my opinion… and that’s why I call it the game changer! I used to be a Nikon believer but when Linc was born, I switched to Canon and this was my “push gift”. I think for portrait photography canon nails it! I just love it and the mark iii… BOOM! Nough said friends!
This is my go to lens and the one I use almost 95% of the time! You can pretty much be guaranteed that with this lens and focal length you are going to GREAT pictures anytime, anywhere!
It’s a traditional portrait lens so I find myself never really having to switch out although I try to push myself to switch for creative purposes. But boy does it take the most creamy and dreamy images… like this one!
It’s even pretty amazing in low light situations!
I love the way this lens captures everything the eye sees! I love that it makes me move my body in order to capture the image I want. This lens creates the bond I have with my clients! I often get really up close and personal with this lens, especially with my families and I love the way the shots turn out!
This is my least used lens right now. It was my first lens I ever purchased that wasn’t my kit lens and I suggest it to anyone who is ready to buy a lens! It’s an amazing lens but after I bought my 85 it just fell to the side. Somehow though it just works out when all else fails. When the 85 just isn’t working out and the 35 distorts things too much or offers too much for my eye, I know the 50 is where it will fit! It’s a beautiful lens that produces beautiful images! Here are some of my very FIRST images taken with it… EVER! That’s a scary thing to offer up because these were taken several years ago… but it’s still a fantastic lens!
Non-Gear always in my Bag:
I have other gear that I leave at home because I just don’t use them as often or know that I won’t use them on my portrait sessions. I have lighting that stays at home or in my car unless I know I will be out long after the sun goes down. I have wish lists upon wish lists of gear that I’m saving to buy and things I know I should pack in my bag but don’t or I forget!
But these… these are my essentials! These go with me on every single session I have done this past year and will for this summer. I will add an additional lens this summer but until then, this is what’s in my bag!
What’s in your bag?