brooke tucker

photography where play and magic meet true hearted connection

Batter Up | Camden Turns One!

  OH MY GOODNESS YOU GUYS.. I just can’t!  If you’ve been ready my blog for a while, or following me on instagram then you are pretty familiar with this little hambone here and I just can not believe he is ONE!!!!  Cam jam is one years old and it feels like just yesterday we […]

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Orioles themed cake smash, brooke tucker photography, orlando florida child and family photographer

Living On Purpose

It’s been a long while since I have intentionally sat down at my desk and sought out to write a blog post!  I don’t know why, but this space right here just hasn’t really felt like home, at least not until recently. At the beginning of the year I set an intention:  I chose my […]

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florida child and family photographer brooke tucker

Annie | Class of 2018

YOU GUYS!!! I’m so excited for you to meet Annie!  This girl is amazing!  She’s super sweet, bubbly and full of that one of kind genuine kindness that you know instantly is straight from her heart.  Want to know the best part?  This girl is headed off to a VIRGINIA school!!!  Yep, you read that […]

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joyful florida senior photography brooke tucker photography



brooke tucker