Ya’ll…. it hit me like a ton of bricks today! I don’t know why and I honestly can’t say where it came from but SMACK DAB in the middle of nowhere it hit me: my baby isn’t a baby anymore! Then, it hit me again! I went into my room to grab a tissue box […]
This is a question I get asked A LOT ya’ll… like a lot a lot and honestly the short answer is NOW! As soon as you can! If you’re looking for the perfect month to start asking your photographer to schedule yourself and your family for your FALL family session, it’s right now in AUGUST! […]
It’s that time of year again and ya’ll I can not WAIT! BACK TO SCHOOL! I know there are two types of mamas: The first type who are like me: We are excited! We have browsed the shelves of target and clicked our check out carts on amazon and our kids book bags are filled […]