brooke tucker

photography where play and magic meet true hearted connection

The Branding Process and a sneak peek of the new logo

I’ve talked about this before, but now it’s time to actually talk about it! When I first met with Katelyn James for my coaching session almost a year ago, one of the first things she told me to do for my business was to get re-branded or rather branded in general!  What I had been working with […]

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Photographer match up!

As the weather gets warmer (positive thinking over here) and we start moving into later days and sunnier evenings, photography season starts to bloom right along with all those pretty flowers! The jackets and scarfs come away and we start to remember that it’s time to take some family pictures!  YAY!!! This makes me super […]

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The W Family| Virginia Beach Family Photographer

This month begins the busy season for Family Portraits and Holiday Cards! It’s one of my favorite times of the year! But it’s soo hard too because I get so excited with all these amazing sessions except I can’t share them right away!  I have to save them and hold onto them like a big giant holiday […]

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brooke tucker