Every girl has said this at least once in her life… what should I wear?! Or how about… I have nothing to wear?! What about this one… What should I pack?! Do any of these sound familiar? They sound extremely familiar to me right now and not just as a photographer but this time as someone that’s going beyond […]
What’s more perfect than sandy baby toes, mushed up avocados, sticky cheerio fingers, squealing baby giggles mixed in with baby growls and the far distant crashing of waves?! That is by far my perfect evening! A warm summers night and my absolute favorite people around! There is nothing that fills my heart more! We had the perfect […]
Last week was Linc’s first trip to the Strawberry patch and I have to say it was amazing! This kid could eat his weight and my weight combined in strawberries (or any fruit for that matter) and his eyes when he realized where we were… priceless! We decided to go with a friend of ours […]