I met Brooke my first week working at the Children’s Hospital! I think it’s fair to say she was probably one of my first friends which was amazing because she was also one of the first and only other Brooke’s I had ever met! What made it even more amazing and confusing for other’s is […]
A snuggly little bundle of perfection; this little one is super special to me! I’ve known his momma for almost 25 years now, how crazy is that! It’s a bit ridiculous! And I couldn’t be more excited for their newest addition to their family! I can’t wait for this little snuggle bug to grow up around my […]
Cake smashing- it can be pretty serious business! And this handsome little guy was all business about his cake! Cake is for eating… and eating was more than OK! Smashing on the other hand, well that’s just ridiculousness! Meet James! He and Linc are buds! We’ve known James since he was teeny tiny and so this session […]