I was listening to something the other morning, part of an online conference, and the speaker… Tonya from Inkwell Press spoke about something that struck my heart in such a way that I just honestly can’t put it into words! Obviously I am going to try though because pals, it’s just way to true and […]
When I used to work at the children’s hospital, I would say it at least 2 to 3 times daily: “You are the mom, which means you know your child best! It doesn’t matter what anyone else says. It doesn’t matter what statistics say or the medical experts think. It doesn’t even matter what the […]
Balance: Everyone is seeking it and yet no one seems to quite grasp it! It’s a hot topic lately and one that small business owners and boss mamas crave more than chocolate or if you’re like me… coca-cola, Panera green tea and potato chips combined! I desperately needed it and wanted it. I thought that I […]