Ok ya’ll, I wasn’t going to write this. I had written part of the post already and then quickly deleted it. There’s just something in my gut that feels weird. Maybe it’s because I don’t want to be judged. I think we all have that fear! No one likes to be judged for their choices […]
If you’ve been following me for a while or lately on instagram, you know I’ve been chatting a lot (like a lot a lot) about our children having their own special magic! Actually, I truly believe that childhood is in itself magical! If you have the patience and the heart to let it be free […]
I was listening to something the other morning, part of an online conference, and the speaker… Tonya from Inkwell Press spoke about something that struck my heart in such a way that I just honestly can’t put it into words! Obviously I am going to try though because pals, it’s just way to true and […]