We unplugged this weekend! It wasn’t by choice… but it was really amazing! I hope everyone has a chance to do this. By unplugged.. I mean the computers were shut off! I didn’t check facebook (once!) I saw e mails in my inbox, but I didn’t have a single second to respond to them! (Which […]
The days somehow seem oh so crazy long (whether you work away from your littles and just trying to rush the day away to get back home to them; or whether you are at home chasing after your littles). The hours seem to drag by some days and yet when you finally found the time to sit […]
When I was little Christmas was always the best time of year; and not just because of the presents or even because of Santa. Our house always seemed to be filled with a little bit of magic and extra Christmas spirit. My mom always made the holidays something extra special. She was super creative and always instilled […]