I started doing this a while ago when I stumbled upon an instagram hashtag called the kids were here! I found myself muffling my hysterical laughing while Linc was trying to nap for his two hours! When we become parents, our lives are changed in a million different ways: big ways and small tiny ways! […]
This is a hard series for me to really start! It makes me nervous! This is my real story. My very real and very personal story. A story I haven’t even shared with some of my closest friends for fear that I might be judged or viewed differently. But that’s just it friends! This is exactly the […]
This post has been a long time in the makings: to try and explain something that has my entire heart is a heavy heavy deal! It’s no secret that my heart, my photographer heart belongs with children and families! It’s where I’m called to serve and where I truly feel in my element! My story […]