Ya’ll…. it hit me like a ton of bricks today! I don’t know why and I honestly can’t say where it came from but SMACK DAB in the middle of nowhere it hit me: my baby isn’t a baby anymore! Then, it hit me again! I went into my room to grab a tissue box […]
OH HEY there ya’ll! It’s been a while there and I have to say it FEELS GOOD to take a break guys… like real good! Sometimes you just need to do that: take a nice good long break from things! That way when you come back you feel refreshed, grateful and ready to be BACK! […]
It’s been a while since I’ve posted on here. I’m not quite sure why that is but if you’ve been keeping up with me on instagram (kbrooketucker) you know that back in January I decided to join my friend Alli’s virtual gym and start a beachbody program called 80 day obsession. To be honest, I […]