brooke tucker

photography where play and magic meet true hearted connection

Weekend Re-cap

Well HELLOOO There!  (Said in the voice of Miss Doubtfire) That was one of the best movies ever to come out of our generation’s time growing up!  Come on… you know you loved that movie!  I totally did and I jump at the chance to watch it every time it comes on TV! How was […]

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Norfolk Tides Baseball Brooke Tucker Blog

Friday Feels

Happy Friday Everyone! Today I’m just excited because our Tuck comes home for a bit!  I don’t want to jinx it and say for how long… because goodness knows the ONE thing that I have learned with this new schedule is that there is no schedule!  It can change at any second!  So I might […]

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Virginia Beach Birth Photographer Brooke Tucker

A confession about my mad hatterish ways

The other night I was typing an e mail to Bonnie from B is for Bonnie Designs!  She is helping me re-brand and friends… I am so overwhelmed with excitement at how AMAZING this is going to be.  I don’t want to chat too much about it yet because Bonnie is FABULOUS and she deserves […]

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Virginia Beach Sunrise Brooke Tucker Photography Blog



brooke tucker