brooke tucker

photography where play and magic meet true hearted connection

Florida child and family photographer brooke tucker

OH HEY there ya’ll!  It’s been a while there and I have to say it FEELS GOOD to take a break guys… like real good!  Sometimes you just need to do that:  take a nice good long break from things!  That way when you come back you feel refreshed, grateful and ready to be BACK!  […]

Hula Hooping Through Life

OH HEY there ya’ll!  It’s been a while there and I have to say it FEELS GOOD to take a break guys… like real good!  Sometimes you just need to do that:  take a nice good long break from things!  That way when you come back you feel refreshed, grateful and ready to be BACK!  […]

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Florida child and family photographer brooke tucker

Letters to My Son | This is 6…

Oh sweet, wild, whirling dervish Lincoln… Here we are, It’s been a while since I’ve written you a letter, let alone a birthday letter and this one is so much more than that!  You’ve been 6 for a whole month plus some now and we are in the beginnings of such a BIG adventure!  This […]

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A playdate with the B Family!

I know that all photographers say they have the best clients in the world, but ya’ll…. I truly DO have the best clients in the world.  Do you want to know why, because my clients have serious heart!  They are truly incredibly families and they all turn out to be MORE than just clients;  they […]

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Florida Family Lifestyle Photographer Brooke Tucker



brooke tucker