brooke tucker

photography where play and magic meet true hearted connection

Orlando photographer brooke tucker, beach body coaches retreat weekend

Do you have a cup of coffee ready!?  This is going to be a LONG but amazing post!  I want you to meet the ladies of TEAM TOGETHER FIT…. the ladies that are currently changing my life at this very moment!  These ladies are wonderful,  ya’ll.  They have all changed their lives, the lives of […]

Team Together Fit | The Girls Of BeachBody

Do you have a cup of coffee ready!?  This is going to be a LONG but amazing post!  I want you to meet the ladies of TEAM TOGETHER FIT…. the ladies that are currently changing my life at this very moment!  These ladies are wonderful,  ya’ll.  They have all changed their lives, the lives of […]

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Orlando photographer brooke tucker, beach body coaches retreat weekend

The Girls of Trinket Trove

It was last year during food and wine festival at Epcot that I came to meet two of the most amazing girls!  Aaron and I were out together on a double date with our neighbors celebrating our anniversary when I saw these to die for floral mickey ears all over the park!  I had seen […]

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Beautiful Headshots with Floral Mickey Ears handmade by the girls of Trinket Trove Designs, Walt Disney World

Celebration Lifestyle Photographer | Meet Terri

Have you ever just met someone and instantly knew they were pretty darn cool, like almost too cool to be your friend but they were anyway (which made them even cooler!)  That’s Terri!  She’s a photographer, creative, furniture maker, artist, and everything in between!  We decided one day the other week to get together and […]

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Meet Terri- Celebration Portrait Photographer



brooke tucker