The past two days I’ve been subbing at my son’s school! I love being able to sub because unlike last year, I can pop in and out when it feels good (without the burn out or the emotional attachment of the enneagram 2 that I am). Plus bonus: I get to teach in all different […]
The past two days I’ve been subbing at my son’s school! I love being able to sub because unlike last year, I can pop in and out when it feels good (without the burn out or the emotional attachment of the enneagram 2 that I am). Plus bonus: I get to teach in all different […]
Hi Friends! How is everyone’s first week of back to school going?! Ok.. so it might not be YOUR first week back to school, but for us here in Virginia Beach. The sounds of the school bus and smells of strongly brewed 6 am coffee are coming on strong over here! I always loved this […]
There’s a commercial that I love that was created by Similac… it’s kind of amazing ya’ll! It really speaks to the heart of my hearts when it comes to this motherhood thing! It begins in a park where all these different “types” of mother’s come together! I won’t explain it because I’m going to post […]