The champ made a debut appearance the other night as he TKO’d his one of a kind birthday cake and showed us all his amazing skills and power! Seriously though… how handsome is this little heart throb?!!! We had a serious blast the other night at this little Rocky’s 6th birthday bash and it […]
There is nothing that I could have asked for more in order to make this place feel more like a settled home, than having Elizabeth come down for a visit! Elizabeth is one of my people! She is one of the people that I know I can call to talk about absolutely anything! She will […]
Ok ya’ll…. it’s taken me a really long time, actually an obnoxiously long time, to sit down and start this post! I’ve deleted and started over more times than I can count… but the truth is I am over the moon excited and at the same time overwhelmingly weirded out to let you know that […]