brooke tucker

photography where play and magic meet true hearted connection

What I’m most thankful for and 52 portrait update

Last week was just one of those weeks you know!  Do you ever have  those weeks where anything and everything that could go wrong does go wrong!  And it doesn’t just go wrong, it goes epically wrong! We had one of those epically wrong weeks last week where I just kept thinking, please can I go back to bed […]

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How I became a photographer| Part 2

Last week I started a new Friday series about how I started in photography.  It all began with a bionic arm, a parents desire to help in the rehab process and the wonderful fact that DSLR’s are quite heavy! If you missed that post and are interested in catching up on my bizarre, non-traditional beginning, […]

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The difference between a background in children and having a child!

When I set out to write this blog, I told myself it would be all about photography;  but then I became a mom!  And anyone that is a mom you are laughing at me right now when I say that when we first had Linc I thought I was totally going to be able to keep these parts of […]

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brooke tucker