brooke tucker

photography where play and magic meet true hearted connection

The story behind the Screen

I just can’t bring myself to clean it… which is a problem when I edit! Maybe I will clean it tonight… but I won’t hold my breath. I posted this picture last week, after many requests from friends and family. I’ve had equal amounts of requests from friends and family to CLEAN the darn thing… […]

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The Branding Process and a sneak peek of the new logo

I’ve talked about this before, but now it’s time to actually talk about it! When I first met with Katelyn James for my coaching session almost a year ago, one of the first things she told me to do for my business was to get re-branded or rather branded in general!  What I had been working with […]

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Personal projects!

I usually have a LOT of personal projects going on… in my head! I want to really decorate my house.. with a cohesive theme in mind or at least make it all flow together and look decorated!  I have even enlisted my good friend Elizabeth to help me on this front (she’s a genius at decorated […]

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brooke tucker