brooke tucker

photography where play and magic meet true hearted connection

Friday Introductions!!!

Hey Hey Hey (said in the voice of Mr. Albert… I hate calling him fat albert, it seems really mean!) Over on instagram, there’s a little thing called “Friday introductions”!  It’s for all the new friends and new faces that have popped on over so they get to know who you are a bit! Instead […]

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Strawberry Faces and Red Hands!

Last year at exactly this time, Linc and I went Strawberry picking and it was the highlight of my year! Strawberry picking is always the highlight of my year and has been since I was little! One of the best things for me when I was growing up was when my mom would wake me […]

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5 Things I wish I had known when I started my business!

Some days (most days) I wish I could go back to when I started my legit business.  Not to the day I picked up my camera, but the day I went full time, got my license (because guys that is super important!) and decided to really become a photographer.  The day I decided to say outloud […]

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brooke tucker