It’s December and I’ve already begun to think about my goals for this upcoming new year! In these last few months, I’ve been inspired by a lot of different things. I’ve been inspired by the people around me, friends and neighbors and people I don’t even know but follow on social media or favorite authors […]
Want to know a secret?! I set a goal for myself 2 years ago that was pretty exciting and scary at the same time! A goal that once upon a time when I wasn’t quite as educated as I am now, I would have thought was pretty lame. Want to know what that goal was? […]
This sweet sweet family, they remind me of one of my most favorite songs. In fact, I usually start singing it while I’m on my way to meet them and always on my way home from a session with them. “I’ve got sunshine… on a cloudy day, when it’s cold outside, I’ve got the month […]