brooke tucker

photography where play and magic meet true hearted connection

This beautiful, angel of a human being turned 35 this past Saturday and well what words can you say to describe Amanda?! I mean there just aren’t ENOUGH words in the English language?! She’s wild, she’s wonderful, she’s talented in just about all the things she’s ever set her mind to do. She’s completely giving […]

35 And Alive! Amanda’s Surprise Cake Smash!

This beautiful, angel of a human being turned 35 this past Saturday and well what words can you say to describe Amanda?! I mean there just aren’t ENOUGH words in the English language?! She’s wild, she’s wonderful, she’s talented in just about all the things she’s ever set her mind to do. She’s completely giving […]

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Just Be | Challenging 2019 and my word of the year

It’s been such a long while since I’ve written a blog!  Life has a way of happening and catching up;  making time fly so fast that before you realize it the days have turned into months! 2019 has been a strange year for us so far:  it’s taken us on a journey that has proven […]

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disney castaway cay, Disney Dream Cruise

A picture will always remember…. and that’s why pictures are priceless!

“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving.  What you’ve caught on film is captured forever…. it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything!” -Aaron Siskind.   I recently read that quote somewhere (I can’t remember exactly where) and I have taped it over my computer and also post-it noted it […]

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brooke tucker