brooke tucker

photography where play and magic meet true hearted connection


coffee break chats- for photographers, Photography

Take Better Pictures of Your kids: Embrace the Quiet

Not all images are perfect and they don’t have to be!  The point is to just have them! Sometimes as a photographer, I get caught up in the technical side… this one above has noise because my ISO was high.  That’s OK though because it’s one of our most cherished images. Embrace the quiet side […]

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coffee break chats- for photographers, Personal

Take Better Pictures of your kids: How to use the moments

I say it all the time, it’s part of my business philosophy “our moments tell our story”.  But how can we truly and honestly tell the stories of our own lives?!  Sometimes it’s hard because we are so close.  We know all the ins and outs.  We can anticipate what might happen or how the day will pan itself […]

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coffee break chats- for photographers, Personal

Take Better Pictures of your kids: How to use the moments

I say it all the time, it’s part of my business philosophy “our moments tell our story”.  But how can we truly and honestly tell the stories of our own lives?!  Sometimes it’s hard because we are so close.  We know all the ins and outs.  We can anticipate what might happen or how the day will pan itself […]

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coffee break chats- for photographers, Photography

Take Better Pictures Of Your Kids: round 2

This should have probably been the first post because it’s the most simple in your face statement… but it’s THA TRUTH! CARRY YOUR CAMERA WITH YOU AT ALL TIMES!  Or at least have it accessible! I totally believe that it doesn’t matter where a picture comes from as long as we capture the story behind […]

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brooke tucker