brooke tucker

photography where play and magic meet true hearted connection

5 Reasons I Personally Print My Images

I know right know we are right in the middle of a time where we have access to everything at the touch of our fingers!  Everything we need is at an instant digital access. It’s on our computers, our laptops, our Ipads and it all transfers over from the cloud right onto our phones.  It’s […]

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5 reasons to print your images

17 in 2017 | Family Goals

Ok, you can all make fun of me because I realize we are in the final week of February and starting March and I am really just now getting a handle on all my goals for this year!  I don’t believe in resolutions!  A few years back, we started doing the word for the year […]

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When I used to work at the children’s hospital, I would say it at least 2 to 3 times daily:  “You are the mom, which means you know your child best!  It doesn’t matter what anyone else says.  It doesn’t matter what statistics say or the medical experts think.  It doesn’t even matter what the […]

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brooke tucker