On any given day this little sneaky thing called imposter syndrome can sneak in and take hold of you! At least it does for me! It worms it’s way into the back of your mind and tells you that the thing you want to do, that big dream you have, the passion you are living out and working so hard for… well you aren’t good enough to do those things! YOU don’t belong there! You aren’t qualified, good enough, smart enough… you just AREN’T… and just like the snap of your fingers, it now has it’s hooks in you!
Does that sound familiar to you?
On a good day, I wake up ready to tackle my to do list! On a good day, I am creative and smart and know my worth and value!
On a tough day, imposter syndrome creeps in and tells me that all my ideas are stupid. That they’ve been done before. I begin to play the comparison game.
On a good day, I look at my images and realize that I have something special! I’ve worked hard to create something unique that no one else can bring to the table. That my photography is truly something that comes from my heart and no one else can replicate that!
On a tough day, imposter syndrome has me pick every tiny image apart! I start to look at other’s who are farther along on their journey and compare years and years of experience with my messy middle. I think that it must be so easy for her so what am I doing wrong?!
On a good day, I know my goals. I have steps and actions and feel strong and confident.
On a tough day, I have lost my way. My goals seem far too big and I can’t seem to take a step forward.
THIS is what imposter syndrome does. It tricks you into thinking YOU AREN’T GOOD ENOUGH!
So what’s the solution?
We are all going to feel this way some time or another! We are human! All I know is that I can’t allow myself to get stuck in the suck! Yep I said it: Don’t let yourself get stuck in the SUCK of imposter syndrome!
Here are 3 suggestions that are helping me and I hope can help you too!
At times, we all feel like we struggling and on the outside of our chosen craft or passion. It’s part of being human!~. It’s part of doing something that is BIG!
But I’m starting to realize that we don’t have to let it rule us. We don’t have to let it guide us or de-rail us! I’ve done it for way too long now. I almost let this imposter syndrome state of mind push me to a place where I gave up on photography all together. And wouldn’t that be a shame?! Wouldn’t it be a shame if the the thing that I was supposed to be doing all along, this passion, was lost all because of a little self doubt?!
So I think we just say to ourselves today I will move! Today I will move beyond imposter syndrome into a mindset of joy and community and helping! Today I will give myself grace and move to do one thing to move forward on my journey!
We can do it together friend! In fact, WHY NOT DO IT TOGETHER?
If you want, drop me an e mail and we can be accountability buddies! Success partners! We can form our own tribe to help each other get rid of this imposter syndrome in our lives.