I don’t often write about my husband! He doesn’t like the spotlight and in fact, it was his job to stay out of it in a big way for his and our safety! But, have you ever heard a song on the radio and it just takes your breath away and makes you feel all the feels?! I’m talking thinking all the thoughts and really ALL THE FEELS?! Phillip Phillips, home did that to me yesterday morning as I was on the drive home from taking Linc to camp. It was so bad that I completely missed my exit and had to drive 5 miles out of my way towards Tampa ya’ll! Yikes! But that is besides the point! I’ve heard this song a million times but yesterday, it just spoke to me in a different way. They say home is where the heart is and honestly that couldn’t ring more true to me now more than ever. I always thought that my home would be in Virginia Beach, where I was born and raised and where my family is and has been their entire lives. But now, I truly believe with all that I am that home doesn’t exist in four walls. Home isn’t alive in the area you might live in where your mail is delivered or your postal code. No… it’s way more simple than that. Home is where your heart is and friends… that can be different for every single person out there. My home exists where my people are and it took me a long time to learn that! It took me until yesterday morning to learn that as long as my people are near me, I can make just any place my home!
“Hold on, to me as we go
As we roll down this unfamiliar road
And although this wave is stringing us along
Just know you’re not alone
‘Cause I’m going to make this place your home”
Settle down, it’ll all be clear
Don’t pay no mind to the demons
They fill you with fear
The trouble it might drag you down
If you get lost, you can always be found
Just know you’re not alone
‘Cause I’m going to make this place your home”
We’ve been married for almost 8 years now and while the time seems crazy to me, I mean 8 years WOW… I look back on all of our adventures and I feel like we’ve been together forever! It hasn’t been easy and it still isn’t easy some days, but truly Tuck is my home!
It’s easy for me to see him as a normal guy. He’s just my husband and he’s Linc’s daddy and those are normal roles… but ya’ll he is anything but normal. He’s kind of awesome and he’s a real hero and I’m not just saying that because of all he does for us on a daily basis. If I could only tell you what he has done in his life and all that he has accomplished before he met me and in the job he has done before I asked him to take a safer one… he truly is one incredible hero! One day when Linc is old enough to truly understand what his daddy did, goodnes ya’ll it will blow his mind!
But the fact is, he is a hero at home too because those lyrics in that song ring so true! With all that we have been through in these 8 years ya’ll… woah!
But that’s not why I’m writing this blog today! I’m writing for you….
Why is it that we get so settled down in our lives or in our ways that we don’t necessarily go and do the things that we want to do? Maybe its out of fear or maybe it’s because we listen to the voices in our head that say it’s not the right time to do this or do that. Maybe it’s because we are listening to others around us that for selfish reasons (and who can blame them) don’t want us to try something different or move away or leave the safe path behind. But friends…. we only get one life and I’m here to tell you that we all NEED to step out and go and do these things! To find out where our home really is… whether home is in a different place, a different job, or a different person!
Tuck has always been able to do this for me: to tell me to settle down, to stop listening to the doubts and the fears. He pushes me to be better and to challenge myself! Who is that person for you?! If you don’t have someone… BE THAT PERSON FOR YOURSELF UNTIL YOU FIND THAT PERSON!
Right now, I’m here to tell you home isn’t in four walls like I used to think it was. Home isn’t always where you grew up… like I thought it was. Home isn’t even staying in your comfort zone.
Home might beyond your front door. It might be somewhere far away actually or in a place that for a little while makes you very uncomfortable. Home might be in a person even… it’s in two people for me.
You won’t ever know until you go out there and find out for yourself.
You won’t know what your home is until you leave it…
Tuck made this place my home….
so who makes yours?! what makes yours?