brooke tucker

photography where play and magic meet true hearted connection

Real is Better Than Perfect | A series

For Moms, Real Is Better Than Perfect Series

  1. Nicole says:

    AMAZING photos – love kids and they grow so fast, you gotta catch the magic in the photos before its too late. If you would like to leave us some business cards, we would LOVE to pass them out for you…we know a lot of mothers here…I work at a Virginia Beach hair salon (shearblissvb. com and check us out – we are on shore drive and even let people book their hair appointment online)…people love coming here, and mothers especially, as we have a huge tablet setup in the back of the salon to let the kids play while their parents are getting their haircut or style / color…but are most certainly kid friendly and would love to have you and help promote some of your cards : )

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brooke tucker