So… this is probably not the statement everyone will feel like making this morning, but I do: I feel very happy that I made it this weekend to this Monday!
Not the statement you were thinking this morning right?!
You guys… this weekend was crazy pants and it wasn’t even filled with activities or lots of “things” but we are all exhausted! There are a bunch of things that happened last week that made this weekend the bear that it was: 1.) Linc started pre-school in his “big kid classroom” as he calls it. The classroom is ten times bigger, the playground is ten times bigger with a slide, and the best part is he is now on the younger side of the age spectrum! 2.) We went out a lot during the week after school and 3.) Daddy was still home! All of these things added up to a very exhausted little Linc who wanted to still go go go because he’s the energizer bunny of toddlers, but it also meant he became grumplestilkskin!
I also started the season of weddings. This is my last season of weddings and I only have one that is my own. I am currently second shooting for Elizabeth and this was my first kick off for a crazy September month! I always forget what it feels like to shoot a wedding, every single year! The days go by fast and the hours seem to fly by leaving us wishing for more light and always more time! It’s the next day that I always feel those hours though and remember how much I need to prepare and get in shape for wedding season, especially my feet and back!
So our Sunday was spent together… recovering and trying to relax! We tried our hardest to have a day of “rest” for Linc so he could prepare himself for the week to come, but tell me mama’s: has anyone been successful with this?! We did not win this weekend! This is why I am soo happy it’s Monday! Poor Linc was soo exhausted but just couldn’t give in to this relaxing weekend I had envisioned. He just wanted to play and rough house and go!
Needless to say, we were all melting down and ready for bedtime last night! That might be why I just passed out complete with drool! Here are our lessons learned:
I hope you guys had a wonderful weekend! One of the biggest things I”m continuing to learn is that I will always be learning every second as a parent! I think no matter what at the end of my life, the roles that I will always be the most proud of will be parent/mom and wife! These are the hardest roles I have ever had and the ones that I work on every second of every day. I am finding that I am constantly changing and growing and pushing myself in these roles and that if I don’t… they just won’t work!
I have to always put other’s first. I have to always love first. I have to always breathe and have patience.
If I can do those these things than all of us will be fine, no matter what!
I have two bracelets that I constantly wear right now and just in this past week I think I have looked to them more than ever! One says love unconditionally and the other says never give up.
When we have weekends like this where we are all exhausted but we all want more than anything to spend these seconds together, we just need to remember those two things: love each other fiercely and unconditionally and to never give up!