Happy Monday Friends! I can’t believe it’s already Monday morning! This weekend really seemed to fly by! Maybe it was because the weather was gorgeous here and we spent just about every second of the days outside!
You know what I love most about weekend re-cap posts… it’s totally off the cuff ya’ll! I love it because I have no agenda and I can just type. It’s a real deal chit chat and I feel like it’s kind of a conversation! No stress, just a one on one conversation about our lives!
In the spirit of that, want to know the best part of the weekend for my boys… I lost my voice!
Yep, not even gonna play it off, I seriously think that was the absolute best part of the weekend for my husband! I love him so much!
I’m a talker! Ya’ll know it’s the truth! So to have a weekend where I absolutely could not talk because even my whispering was absolutely pathetic… was probably a heavenly break for him!
This is what happened ya’ll:
Friday my “allergies” were acting up. I’ve never had allergies before! By Friday afternoon, I sounded like Linc will in 10 years when he hits puberty. It was comical!
Saturday morning, I wouldn’t even dare answer my phone because I could barely even scratch out a word ya’ll and when I did… all I heard on the other end was hysterical laughing!
By Sunday…it was completely gone! I was forced to use pen and paper and texting to communicate!
So the boys had a GREAT weekend of silence and boy talk!
We did have a wonderful weekend though! Here are some of the things we enjoyed together:
That was pretty much our weekend! How was yours? I hope you were outside enjoying the beautiful weather! These days make my heart just soar! I am definitely a lover of the sun and warm air. I know everyone is, but I just never knew how much the weather could change my mood and happiness! How sad is that?! Tell me I’m not alone!
In other news: BIG THINGS happening in Brooke Tucker Photography! BIG THINGS for big and amazing clients and family! I say family because I hope you all know that WHEN you step in front of my camera you BECOME my family! You BECOME a member of BT family! ALWAYS! Because of this, it is for a lifetime and I intend to treat you as family!
So please be on the look out for some pretty lovely things from now one!
I love every person that has had the trust and the faith and the courage to put their hearts and their stories in my hands and in in front of my lens~!
Here are my hearts… just a few snap shots (i phone) from our weekend! If you follow me on instagram you have already seen the first! If not.. follow me now friends! p.s. I would totally put the hammock pictures on there but Linc is in his skivvies and well, I’m sure my mom would agree that it might not be completely appropriate for the world wide web at his age!