Ya’ll… I know it’s Wednesday and that I’m actually way behind on a weekend re-cap post BUT these past few days have been LIFE CHANGING! Seriously friends, life changing!
Not just as a photographer but as a person and a mom and everything else that I am!
That’s exactly it actually! We are sooo many things:
I am Brooke Tucker and I am a Children and Family Lifestyle Photographer! I’m a Momma to one crazy happy and wild little he-man hulk smashing toddler! I am a wife of a pretty darn amazing man and hero! I am a surfer and lover of all things salty! I am a body flow teacher who also suffers from massive accident prone clutizness and foot in the mouth awkwardness syndrome! I am a believer! And I MESS UP, make mistakes, fall down and somehow find the ability to laugh about and pick myself up day after day.
I truly believe that REAL IS BETTER THAN PERFECT and that life is absolutely beautifully stunning when we live fully present in the mess and chaos!
So, friends… who are you?! What are all your many incredible roles and titles and crazy funny quirks?!
Leave a comment and tell me below because I am seriously sitting on the edge of my seat dying to know!!!
This weekend was life changing because it taught me about all of the above!
The creative at heart conference is soo much more than just what it might appear to be! It’s a MOVEMENT ya’ll and it’s overwhelmingly and powerfully eye opening!
As each one of the incredible boss lady speakers revealed to us their hearts and their stories; they also gave us some powerful quotes and memorable inspirational words that have just stuck with me and resonated deep within my soul!
I’ll be sharing these words and phrases throughout this week and month and please know this doesn’t just apply to photographers, wedding planners, cake decorators or other creatives! These words apply to all of us! I think they apply to us as mother’s especially!
So take note and keep heart out there!
And seriously ya’ll… leave me a comment below! Who are you?! I really do want to know! We are all together in this!
words of wisdom from creative @ heart
Hi Brooke! I loved this!
I’m a wife, mommy, modern photographer, artist, organizing pro, animal lover, and I used to be a firefighter!
Can’t wait to meet up for dinner sometime, maybe in a few weeks after we’ve had time to process and work on all the amazing information!