brooke tucker

photography where play and magic meet true hearted connection

The difference between a background in children and having a child!


  1. Melia says:

    I think you have to truly ask yourself if there is a little part of you that loves that he needs you. I think kids are intuitive and can sense more than we realize. If you are confident when you leave him an you truly want him to not need you when you leave then he in turn will be confident. If you have any hesitation or worry or if you secretly enjoy that he doesn’t want you to go then he will continue to give you the behavior you secretly want. My 2 cents 😉

    By the way miss seeing you at the hospital. However, looks like photography is your gift too. Great pics!

  2. Lisa Terry says:

    I love love love this post. A lot of therapists at my work get asked that too. Sometimes I think as long as you love your child and doing things in their best interest than there is nothing wrong to catering to them. They are only little for so long and you will never get that time back once they are completely independent of you. I still tell families to work on things but I know how hard and crazy things get so I’m more understanding too. You’re a great mom 🙂 I tell my husband all the time. I know it’s difficult at times but we will have more years with the kids out of the house and we will never get this time back.

  3. Ashley S. says:

    It is just as phase … but I don’t know how to tell you to get out of the phase, except keep coming back and showing him you love him!! As far as “here is my life skill” application to parenting, man oh man, its tough. With a teaching background, I should be able to teach A, right? I should desire to teach him. But sometimes he just wants to play and I want to play and another day goes by … but I have learned that learning {for the 2 of us} happens organically rather than structured like I would do in a classroom. Ultimately, we are called to love these little guys… and love them as well as we can. In this moment. In this season.

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brooke tucker